Five Feet Apart: movie review

Five Feet Apart is a beautiful and very touching movie released in March 2019 and directed by Justin Balconi. The principal actors are Cole Sprouse as the character Will and Haley Lu Richardson as the character Stella.

It’s the story of Will and Stella, two teenagers who both have cystic fibrosis. Stella waits for having new lungs. Will has a bacteria which prevents a transplant, which makes him give up on surviving the disease. Step-by-step, the two teenagers will fall in love. But this will be complicated between them because Stella mustn’t catch Will’s bacteria, that’s why they will have to keep a five feet distance between each other: they must stay five feet apart.

This movie is very interesting and we must talk about it because it addresses many topics like disease, fighting to survive and how it is scary to be loved when we can die rapidly. It also allows to raise awareness about the disease that is the cystic fibrosis.


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